I see CBT as a teaching method of therapy, it focuses on changing how we think (Cognitive) and what you then do as a result of your thoughts (Behaviour) and how these are interlinked also how these have a physical impact on our bodies. These changes can help you improve your overall well-being and feel much better. Changing often destructive, unhelpful, negative thoughts and changing those thought patterns to helpful and productive thoughts and patterns.
Think of it as a student / teacher relationship, it teaches new ways of being and provides goals and focus to lead a more fulfilling life, not catastrophizing or overthinking as is so common in clients who present to therapy. You will leave with knowledge and skills to apply in other areas of your life and in difficulties that present in the future, ending destructive cycles of thinking more often leading to Depression and Anxiety and bring closure to past trauma and difficulties. It often stops us doing the things we enjoy or being with the people we usualy spend time with, it can affect our sleep thus having an impact on all areas of our life, causing stress and perhaps making us eat more or less? The NHS NICE Guidelines support CBT and its success.
A selection of issues where CBT could be beneficial:
- Anxiety
- OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour)
- Panic
- Domestic Violence
- Relaxation
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Pain Management
- Bereavement and Loss
- Sleep Disorders
- Fibromyalgia
- Anger
- Stress